Free and Standard Edition

Learn more about free and standard edition.

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Email Delivery

Questions about sender identity, delivery, and more.

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Credits and Plans

Questions about email credits and plans.

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Data Privacy

Our policy of handling your database.

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Free and Standard Edition

Free edition comes with a dedicated SalesCatalysts logo in the email footer. It is compulsory, non-removable and non-changeable. You can remove the logo freely once you buy any plans and upgrade to standard edition.
No matter which account type you are signing up, you may finally send emails through our platform. These emails may have much higher risk being classified as spams by many mail systems as they are supposed to be originated from that public email system, not ours. You should always sign up with your own/company domain.
SalesCatalysts offers free edition for 3 reasons:
  • to help startups kick-starting their businesses
  • to help small businesses competing against large enterprises with the minimal budget
  • to give trial users the real operation experience with the least constraints
Free and standard edition are functionally the same. They primarily differ in the amount of data you can manipulate. Free edition basically sets limits on the number of contacts that you can store, times an advanced function you can use (e.g. Inbox Preview), number of emails you can send per day and total amount of storage you can use for uploads.
Yes, just visit your shopping cart, select the right plan and you can upgrade at any time.

Email Delivery

Very fast. SalesCatalysts email marketing can send over 1 million emails per hour. However, sending too fast may have a negative impact on inbox rate as email service providers may see your emails as spams. Your website hosting provider may not have enough capacity to handle the surge on website visits and content display, so does your customer service team on handling enquiries. In general, you are allowed to send as fast as 36,000 emails per hour. Contact us if you need to send faster.
Yours! Your name and email address will be put as the sender identity of every email, not ours.
No. All your campaign emails will be sent through our post offices (SMTP servers) and IP addresses instead of yours so you will not be bounded.
Erroneous emails will be routed to our bounce management system for classification. Non-erroneous messages like email replies, vacation messages will be sent to your mailbox directly.

Credits and Plans

Yes, you can! You can even mix monthly plan with refill plan where the monthly plan fits your regular usage and the refill plan meets your ad-hoc demand. Every plan has it own expiry dates. Those expires sooner will be consumed first automatically.
The total credits needed for a campaign are deducted when the first email / SMS is being delivered. They are not deducted on the moment of campaign creation. Pay attention to this for a scheduled campaign.
When you stop or delete a campaign, you are confirming that the campaign will no longer continue, any unsent emails will be refunded with credits immediately. A paused campaign which can be resumed at any time, however, will not be refunded.
We are happy to provide additional discounts on the already very affordable service fees, so that they can serve more people. Learn More
We have other models for the high volume senders, tell us your needs and we will come up with the best option for you.

Data Privacy

Definitely not! Your database belongs to you. We do not have any right to use it for any email campaigns nor selling / sharing it to anyone, any party. We even prohibit companies from using 3rd party database on our platform.
Yes technically, but access to your database is limited to necessity (primarily for supporting, maintenance, troubleshooting purposes) and to authorized personnel only. You can be assured that your data will be handled in a very secure way.