Intelligent Data Import
With a few clicks, your contacts in Excel, Outlook, Outlook Express, Gmail, general database systems, etc, will be screened and imported. The common CSV and XLS file formats are supported with field mapping flexibility. To ensure the quality of your database, contacts are checked for correctness and duplication during import.

Opt-in Form Generator
Boost your list by signing up website visitors. The simple subscriber form generation tool builds a signup page within minutes and starts growing your database immediately.

Viral Marketing: Forward My Friends
Knowing the power of "Word of Mouth", we include the "Forward this to my Friends" function in every email sent. Multiply campaign exposure by encouraging recipients to forward your marketing messages, which is known as viral marketing. The best thing with this? It costs you nothing.
Activate Your Email Marketing Account in 3 Minutes!
Send 12,000 emails per month for free. No credit card and contract required.
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